Virtual hosting or VPS - what to choose


If very roughly describing the differences between VPS and shared hosting, the list will sound something like this: VPS gives more freedom, is more reliable in case of overloads, more powerful, but it is more difficult to manage and more expensive. All of this can be written in the pros and cons: it depends on what project you want to host.


Someone is quite enough virtual hosting, and someone will approach a virtual server rental.

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What we are talking about.

And virtual hosting and VPS or dedicated virtual server  - these are the types of hosting, which suggests that one physical machine is allocated to multiple hosts. Modern servers are quite powerful and have a lot of memory, so many resources for most projects is not required. Therefore, they share so that the project used as much as necessary, and the owner did not overpay for unnecessary.


Then the differences begin.


Here's what shared hosting: Hosting has a common core, operating system, they share the same disk space and CPU resources. Although no one has access to your hosting, it cannot be independently rebooted, fine-tuned. Installation of additional software will be limited. But the work of such hosting is fully provided by the provider, and it's enough just to deal with the development, filling your site.


To understand what is virtual server VPS, we can compare it to an apartment building. All tenants have the same house, common communications, but each apartment is isolated and has everything you need for life - a separate kitchen, rooms, bathroom, you can make any repairs. Virtual server - this is a full analogue of the physical server, emulation, which has a virtual processor, disk and so on. Such virtual computers on one physical computer can be deployed several. Because of this they cost less than a separate physical server. VPS gives more freedom: it comes with root rights, it allows the reboot, more fine-tuning, the installation of their own software. On the other hand, all this you need to know how to do, which for the inexperienced user - the problem.


Deciding what to choose - hosting or VPS - it makes sense to rely on:


  • budget;

  • skills;

  • The scale of the project.

  • The less you need, the more likely that the virtual dedicated server for you is redundant.

Who is suitable for hosting

Here are the cases when it's better to choose hosting:


  • You have no experience in server administration, and you do not want to get into it;

  • You have fairly standard requirements for the site - one of the engines with open source, designer with standard functions, a minimum of applications;

  • you have a small project with a limited budget;

  • you need few resources, and neither the traffic nor the volume of site content will grow quickly.

Generally speaking, this is true for most information sites on the Internet, for businesses that are just about to go online. All of the web pages, business cards, small online stores, personal blogs may well exist on a virtual hosting. Virtual hosting is also good for hobby projects like a thematic blog or a small forum .

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Who is suitable for VPS

The advantages of renting a VPS - the freedom in settings and a fairly large capacity for a relatively small amount of money. Although it costs more than shared hosting, but cheaper than a dedicated physical server. The virtual dedicated server is little affected by load swings from its neighbors, it can be rebooted regardless of what happens on the other virtual servers, install software.


A virtual dedicated server is suitable for projects that:


  • Are fast-paced, face high workloads;

  • are large enough to justify the cost of leasing a server;

  • require special configurations, which virtual hosting does not allow;

  • allow you to allocate a person in the team for the administration of hosting, because with a virtual dedicated server you need to work the same way as with the physical one. This condition is actually not necessary: if necessary, you can order the administration service from the hoster.

As a rule, a virtual dedicated server is required to large online stores, large news sites, applications, streaming services.